Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Kelly Moore - Outsider Artist at Play

Former neighbor of mine, Kelly Moore, was Artist a Day's featured artist last week.

india taught me alot things

one of the biggest was

that character matters

and if you wanna learn

what you got inside of you

look no further

than whats in front of


See more at: kellymoore.net

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Jean-Paul Riopelle (Canadian, 1923-2002)
The Wheel – Cold Dog (Indian Summer)
1954-1955. Oil on Canvas

The artwork of Jean-Paul Riopelle:

"He begins at the beginning. And each time he begins, it is as if he had never lived before. Painting: or the desire to vanish in the act of seeing. That is to say, to see the thing that is... as if it were the last time that he would ever see."

"To breathe in the whiteness of the farthest north. And all that is lost, to be born again from this emptiness in the place where desire carries him, and dismembers him, and scatters him back to earth."

"A forest. And within that forest, a tree. And upon that tree, a leaf. A single leaf, turning in the wind. This leaf, and nothing else. The thing to be seen."

"When a single leaf turns, it is the entire forest that turns around it. And he who turns around himself."

The poems of Reverdy:

"The more the relationship between the two juxtaposed realities is both distant and true, the stronger the image will be -- the greater its emotional power and poetic reality." [my accompanying note in the margin: I just drew an image representing this exact thing!]

Poet Francis Ponge:

"The primary act of the poet, therefore, becomes the act of seeing, as if no one had ever seen the thing before, so that the object might have 'the good fortune to be born into words.'"

High-wire artist Philippe Petit: "...the high-wire is an art of solitude, a way of coming to grips with one's life in the darkest, most secret corner of the self."

"... life does not hide from death, but stares it straight in the face. Each time he sets foot on the wire, Philippe takes hold of that life and lives it in all its exhilarating immediacy, in all its joy."

Self: "... When you truly enter a state of solitude, that is the moment when you are not alone anymore, when you start to feel your connection with others... I even quote Rimbaud... 'Je est un autre'
[I is another]"

"The whole process... is one of stripping away to some barer condition in which we have to face up to who we are. Or who we aren't. It finally comes to the same thing."

"Writing is no longer an act of free will for me, it's a matter of survival. An image surges up inside me, and after a time I begin to feel cornered by it, to feel that I have no choice but to embrace it. A book starts to take shape after a series of such encounters."

All quotes - Paul Auster, The Art of Hunger

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Prefaces & Parallels - Jacques Dupin & Paul Auster

Portrait of Jacques Dupin. Francis Bacon. (courtesy of tierslivre.net)

"... for the poem can be born only when all chances for its life have been destroyed."

"Dominated by stone, mountain, farm implements, and fire, the geography is cruel, built of the barest materials, and human presence can never be taken for granted in it. It must be won. Generated by a desire to join what forbids him a place and to find a dwelling within it, the Dupin poem is always on the other side: the limit of the human step, the fruit of a terrestrial harrowing."

"The strength that Dupin speaks of is not the strength of transcendence, but of immanence and realization. The gods have vanished, and there can be no question of pretending to recover the divine logos."

- Paul Auster (The Art of Hunger)


Grand Vent ( High Wind)

We only belong to the mountain path

meandering under the sun between sage and lichen

rising at night, a borderline path

towards constellations,

we have enabled tops to come close to each other

the limit of arable lands

seeds burst in our fists

flames into our bones

Let manure rise all the way to us on men's backs

Let vine and rye answer

to the volcano's old age

the fruits of pride, the fruits of basalt

will ripe under the blows

that make us visible

Flesh will endure what the eye suffered from

what wolves never dreamt

before flowing on to the sea.

-Jacques Dupin, 1963

"The fundamental movement of the poem is to move painfully towards the highest which is also the emptiest, to direct onself towards the scarce, the rare, nay, the unbreathable. The purpose is to climb towards an air burrow or a kind of open sky deposit where the inside of man himself up there, very high, becomes a landscape where the obscure and the secret unfold in light."

(poem and quote courtesy of Jean-Michel Maulpoix & Co. - Modern French Literture)


image courtesy of www.tierslivre.net

To shatter, to retake, and thus, to rebuild. In the forest we are closer to the woodcutter than to the solitary wanderer. No innocent contemplation. No high forests crossed by sunlight and the songs of birds, but their hidden future: cords of wood.

- Jacques Dupin

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ephemeral Proof

"First lessons in practical theosophy" photo montage courtesy of seriykotik1970

Journal Entry - February 14, 2008

If I were to remove every written word, there would perhaps be no trace of our fleeting connection. I believe it still exists, elsewhere. But in time, in death, I may find in this I am also wrong.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sometimes I Dream that I am What You Are

The IP Poetry project involves the development of a software and hardware system that uses text from the Internet to generate poetry that is then recited in real time by automatons connected to the web.

Internet search terms used: "I dream that I am..."

More Gustavo Romano at www.gustavoromano.com.ar

If I Had Known She Was Going to Look at Me and Make My Heart Stop

The IP Poetry project involves the development of a software and hardware system that uses text from the Internet to generate poetry that is then recited in real time by automatons connected to the web.

Internet search terms used: "If I had... If I had not... If you had... today we would be..."

More Gustavo Romano at www.gustavoromano.com.ar