Saturday, April 11, 2009

Anguish of Fate - Pierre Reverdy & the Rise of the Avante-Garde

A brief introduction:

Reverdy became known in literary circles, frequenting the avant-garde group consisting of such wellknown artists and writers as Guillaume Apollinaire, Max Jacob, Pablo Picasso, Juan Gris, and Georges Braque. With these and other artists, Reverdy helped develop cubism and surrealism. In 1917 he founded the monthly literary review, Nord-Sud, which drew together the first cubists and surrealists. The review featured many innovative authors, including Apollinaire, Jacob, Louis Aragon, Andre Breton, and Philippe Soupault. (Read More)

Suggested Poems:

Image: Promotional Still from Robert Florey's 1927 film Love of Zero

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